Frequently asked questions


Can you migrate a site from WordPress/Squarespace to Webflow or vice versa?


Yes, we have a couple options here.

1. Keep your current design, and redevelop the site in Webflow while keeping the current design & URL/SEO structure.

2. Go through our comprehensive website redesign & development process to create a brand new meaningfully designed website, developed in Webflow. 

3. Using the Webflow to Wordpress Plugin you can keep your current Wordpress CMS and leverage Webflow by redesigning your site within Webflow and then publishing those pages to your Wordpress site. However, this may not work properly for all use-cases and make require further custom development.

4. We can export pages from webflow and turn the code into a liquid theme for use with Wordpress through custom development.

Scott Van Zandt

30min 1:1 Meeting

Have a new project in mind? Schedule a 30 minute discovery call and we will at the very least give you some great advice.

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What is an RFP?

A request for proposal (RFP) is a great way for you to quickly get us up to speed on your project. It should include an introduction to your company and the reason for submitting your RFP. Tell us what it is you hope to accomplish with us and lay out any problems you or your users face with your current site. Lastly, please provide an overview of your project scope, timeline, and budget. We're happy to guide you through this on a call.