Brand ID
CMS Planning
CMS Training


Envoy's Previous Issues: - Development isn’t sustainable (Jeckyll & Wordpress Blog). - Costly & tedious maintenance. - Lack of team control. - Site limitations stifling creativity. - Poor reflection on the brand. - CTA’s not streamlined. - Suboptimal navigation flow. - Lack of engaging moments on high-traffic pages.


SVZ successfully transformed Envoy's digital landscape by addressing unsustainable development costs, enhancing operational efficiency through platform migration, reducing dependency on external agencies, streamlining site consolidation, optimizing calls-to-action, revamping the brand image, and improving the overall user experience. This resulted in significant cost savings, a more impactful online presence, and a foundation for sustained success in the digital realm.



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Scott Van Zandt

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What is an RFP?

A request for proposal (RFP) is a great way for you to quickly get us up to speed on your project. It should include an introduction to your company and the reason for submitting your RFP. Tell us what it is you hope to accomplish with us and lay out any problems you or your users face with your current site. Lastly, please provide an overview of your project scope, timeline, and budget. We're happy to guide you through this on a call.